Education, Communication, & Professional Development

Group Lead: Rebecca Hornbrook

At ACOM our aim is to create a supportive, diverse and welcoming workplace environment for our staff and visitors. We strive to continually strengthen our connections and collaborations within the laboratory, to the rest of NCAR/UCAR, and to the broader atmospheric chemistry community via our education and outreach efforts and career development activities. We also highlight news items that cover ACOM research and contributions to the scientific community.


  • ACOM Weekly Update: a weekly email with information about current staff travel, new staff and visitors, events, announcements, upcoming opportunities, and new publications is sent to all ACOM staff. To contribute an item to an upcoming ACOM Weekly Update, please use this form.
  • Social Media: Twitter, YouTube
  • ACOM Seminar Series




Professional Development


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

Rebecca Hornbrook