Related Meetings and Workshops
Upcoming Related Conferences:
- June 2 - 5, 4th International Congress Fire in the Earth System, Algés (near Lisbon), Portugal. Abstract submission closes 30 April 2025
- Modelling Fire in the Earth System session convened by The Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires
- June 23-25, 2025: The Living Planet Symposium 2025 (LPS25), Vienna, Austria, session A.02.08 – Impacts of fire in the Earth system, focusing on fire occurrence in the Earth system at any temporal and spatial scale. Abstract submission closes December 1, 2024
- July 9-11, 2025: 21th GEIA (Global Emissions InitiAtive) Conference, Hosted by University Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. Abstracts Due February 15, 2025,
- October 31 to November 6, 2026: 10th edition of the International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra, Portugal.
- TBD Rescheduled: Improving wildfire detection and monitoring capabilities through new satellite technology, NOAA's Satellite Applications Symposium Series
Archived Related Conferences:
Reverse chronological order (most recent at the top).
- January 12-16, 2025, AMS Sessions, New Orleans, USA:
- Wildfire Impacts (Joint with the 17th Symposium on Aerosol Cloud Climate Interactions)
- Wildfire Influence on Aerosol, Cloud, and Climate (Joint with the 17th Symposium on Aerosol Cloud Climate Interactions)
- Lidar Observations of Recent Wildfire Events
- December 9-13, 2024, AGU Sessions, Washington DC USA: See our trail map for the conference
- December 4-6, 2024: ACM Session: Chemistry Heterogeneity in the Wildfire Plume,
- November 28-28, 2024: Future Focus – Wildfires on-site user workshop at the Darmstadtium in Darmstadt, Germany, hosted by EUMETSAT,
- September 14-15, 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: BBURNED workshop on fire-atmospheric chemistry processes and uncertainty, FUNCHEM (following the IGAC meeting),
- June 23-28, 2024: AOGS Session, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, South Korea,
IG29: Improved Characterization and Understanding of Wildfires and Their Environmental Impacts Using Artificial Intelligence - May 16-17, 2024: Atmospheric Chemistry of Wildland Fires, Boulder, CO, USA
- April 15-19, 2024: Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference,
- April 14-19, 2024: EGU sessions, Vienna, Austria
(1) Exploring the Fury of Flames: Extreme Fires and Their Impacts.
(2) The Role of Fire in the Earth System: Understanding Interactions with the Land, Atmosphere, and Society.
- December 11-15, 2023: AGU sessions
(1) Session ID: 194871 Session Title: A038. Climate Change and the Chemistry of Landscape Fire Smoke: Present and Future Primary Gas and Particle Emissions and the In-plume Photochemical Processes Responsible for Toxic Impacts on Humans and Ecosystems Section: Atmospheric Sciences - November 17, 2023: IAWF/PCF/AFE Partner Webinar Series: Integrating Public Health into Forest and Fire Management,
- November 13, 2023: ABC-iCAP webinars (#2 October 27 2022; #3 November 13 2022) on Arctic fires, find the recordings on YouTube at:
icap - November 7-9 and 14, 2023: BBURNED virtual fire emission workshop,
- September 18-21, 2023, FLARE: Fire science Learning AcRoss the Earth system,
calendar/137301 - September 13-15, 2023: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wildland Fires: Toward Improved Monitoring, Modeling, and Management--A National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Workshop,
- July 10-11, 2017: Interdisciplinary Biomass Burning Initiative (IBBI) workshop: