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Flyer for Remote Sensing workshop

Please provide your feedback on the workshop here


The PSIF Remote Sensing Initiative workshop was held at UCAR Center Green on May 11. This was motivated by the Initiative objectives:

  • To provide a focal point for all the satellite remote sensing instrumentation, data, science, application and outreach activities that we have across UCAR.

  • To develop cross-organization communication, ideas and coordination, and promote the integration of satellite data within our Earth system science activities.

  • To allow us to effectively and successfully respond to external remote sensing project opportunities, and by increasing our visibility, to be more often seen and approached as a potential collaborator.

PSIF 2023 Workshop Participants

Workshop participants


This first workshop was primarily intended for UCAR staff and in-person participation was encouraged. The large workshop registration of 137 people (119 in-person, 18 virtual and 28 posters) indicates the high level of interest in remote sensing science across UCAR/NCAR/UCP. It was an excellent day, and the organizers received a lot of positive feedback about how useful and interesting the attendees found the workshop. We would like to thank everyone who participated with great presentations and engagement, UCP/CPAESS for excellent organization, CG multimedia for keeping everything smoothly on-track, Event Services for keeping us well-refreshed, and the UCAR President's Office for the support of this Initiative.

Some high-level takeaways from the workshop include:

  • It is clearly an exciting time for satellite and ground-based remote sensing technology, missions and experiments, integration of data into Earth system analysis and modeling, and the development of new applications with education and outreach.
  • We saw many interesting presentations and posters that demonstrate the breadth and depth of remote sensing expertise within the organization, and our extensive partnerships with other research and operational organizations.
  • The workshop illustrated our remote sensing capabilities and strategic goals, and initiated new connections among the Labs and Programs to promote additional collaboration on future proposals and projects.
  • Building on the presentations and discussions of the workshop, the next step for the Initiative will be a concept paper to define an organizational framework to continue after this PSIF phase and provide remote sensing coordination across UCAR for the workshop’s four connected themes: (1) Vision for the next generation of remote sensing observations; (2) Cross-organization collaboration in remote sensing; (3) Actionable science; and (4) Education and outreach.
  • The concept paper will address where we are now, upcoming opportunities, challenges, ways in which UCAR units could contribute or benefit from an ongoing Remote Sensing Initiative, and where we would like to be in 5-10 years.

If you are not already actively involved in the Initiative and would like to be, please indicate on the workshop feedback form!

PSIF 2023 Helen Worden

Helen Worden (ACOM) presenting and Shima Shams (RAL) chairing the Remote Sensing Activities Summary Talks


PSIF 2023 Poster Discussions

Poster discussions


PSIF 2023 Mitch Goldberg

Mitch Goldberg (NOAA) presenting an agency perspective


Link to Agenda PDF 

Link to Presentation File PDFs 

Link to workshop full-day recording

PSIF Remote Sensing Workshop, May 11 2023, Agenda

  Time (MT) Activity Presenter/Facilitator Chair Rapporteurs Location
0 8:00 Coffee, refreshments       CG1 Lobby
8:30 Opening Remarks from UCP and NCAR and Workshop Logistics Bill Kuo, Pieternel Levelt, David Edwards     CG1 Auditorium Center
  Remote Sensing Activities Summary Talks   Shima Shams Mic: Wenfu Tang; Zoom monitor: Rebecca Buchholz CG1 Auditorium Center
8:40 JCSDA Tom Auligne      
9:00 COSMIC Jan-Peter Weiss      
9:20 ACOM Helen Worden      
9:40 CGD Christina McCluskey      
10:00 CISL Jeff Anderson      
10:20 Break & Refreshments       CG1 Lobby
  Remote Sensing Activities Summary Talks ... continued   Qian Wu Mic: Wenfu Tang; Zoom monitor: Rebecca Buchholz CG1 Auditorium Center
10:45 EOL Carol Ruchti      
11:05 HAO Roberto Casini      
11:25 MMM Jake Liu      
11:45 RAL Shima Shams      
12:05 Poster Lightning Talks Poster presenters      
12:30 Buffet Lunch and Poster Session       CG1 Lobby
  Agency Perspectives   Pieternel Levelt   CG1 Auditorium Center
13:30 NASA Barry Lefer      
14:00 NOAA Mitch Goldberg      
14:30 Discussion Sections   Holly Gilbert   CG1 Auditorium Center
  Theme #1 - Vision for the next generation of remote sensing observations:

What are the limitations of existing observations and the requirements of the next generation of observations that would help address challenging research questions?
John Braun and Paul Bryans   Hannah Huelsing CG1 Auditorium Center
  Theme #2 - Cross-organization collaboration in remote sensing:

How can we build closer connections, what are the challenges and the best practices?
Helen Worden and Kevin Raeder   Ivan Ortega CG1 Auditorium North
  Theme #3 - Actionable science:

How do we take intentional steps toward more actionable science for the next generation of proposal development and research?
Olya Wilhelmi and Rajesh Kumar   Forrest Lacey CG1 Auditorium South
  Theme #4 - Education and outreach:

How might remote sensing experts expand their network of collaborators to increase diversity and develop meaningful collaborations with various education audiences including minority-serving institutions, K-12 schools, and informal science education organizations?
Becca Hatheway and Grace Crain-Wright   Chris Davis CG1 2126
15:30 Break & Refreshments       CG1 Lobby
16:00 Discussion group outbriefs (10 min each); next steps and wrap-up (20 min) Discussion Section Rapporteurs David Edwards and Jan-Peter Weiss Zoom monitor: Shima Shams CG1 Auditorium Center
17:00 Reception and Poster Session       CG1 Lobby
18:30 Adjourn        


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

David Edwards

Remote Sensing Initiative