Opportunities and Partnerships

COVID-19 Status Update: May 5, 2023

UCAR's current Covid-19 status of operations has returned to nearly "business as usual," with some exceptions. ACOM is now accepting requests for scientific visits.

Photo of SOARS student in action.

Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)

For Graduate Students:

ACOM Ralph Cicerone Fellowship

ASP Graduate Visitor Program

UCAR Next Generation Fellowships

For Postdocs:

ASP Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

For Visitors:

ACOM Visitor Program

ASP Faculty Fellowship Program

As detailed in our strategic plan, ACOM conducts collaborative research focusing on two major scientific challenges, Air Quality Prediction Research and Interactions between Chemistry and the Climate/Weather System. The work is conducted in partnership with other entities within NCAR, and with other members of the wider atmospheric chemistry community. In particular, ACOM partners with University scientists to address scientific issues related to atmospheric chemistry.

To maintain these partnerships and collaborations and, in keeping with its role as a national center to provide both intellectual leadership and facility support to the wider community, ACOM supports very active visitor and post-doctoral programs that augment and support related NCAR- and UCAR-wide programs. ACOM scientists are also actively engaged in various educational activities, for example, acting as mentors for the UCAR SOARS program, serving on University thesis committees, and lecturing at Universities. In order to support graduate students from underrepresented communities, ACOM created the Ralph Cicerone Fellowship in Earth System Science.


photo of soars student

Cherelle Blazer, an ACOM SOARS protege, conducts experiments in the FTIR lab assisted by John Orlando (r) and Geoff Tyndall (l).


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

Emily Doremire