Field Campaign Design & Support
We provide support for ground-based and airborne field experiments with satellite observations and chemical model simulations. During aircraft field campaigns, such as MIRAGE-Mex, INTEX-B and ARCTAS, we provided chemical forecasts used in flight planning from the assimilation of MOPITT CO and MODIS AOD in the global chemical transport models, MOZART-4 and CAM-Chem. During the analysis phase of these experiments, we use hindcast model simulations to assist in the interpretation of observations.
The ASIA-AQ campaign took place February-March 2024 in the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. ACOM supported flight planning with forecasts from WRF-Tracer, MUSICAv0 and FLEXPART.
Several other groups also provided forecasts and are supporting analyses as described on the ASIA-AQ Modeling website.
The FIREX-AQ campaign is being supported with near-real-time (NRT) forecasts from several models: WRF-Chem with tracers, WACCM, CAM-chem with data assimilation and FLEXPART, as well as NRT images of satellite retrievals of CO from MOPITT, IASI and TROPOMI (July-September 2019).
Chemical forecasts from CAM-chem/DART and WRF with tracers were provided for the NASA KORUS-AQ: An International Cooperative Air Quality Field Study in Korea in May-June 2016.
The Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) was conducted in Colorado during July-August 2014 in conjunction with NASA DISCOVER-AQ. MOZART and WRF Tracer forecasts and MOPITT and IASI CO retrievals have been delivered to the FRAPPE Field Catalog and the NASA Data Archive ( (July-August 2014)
The ACRESP group was been funded by NASA to support the Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS). Chemical forecasts and FLEXPART tracer forward trajectories were provided throughout the campaign. Simulations with CAM-chem and CAM-chem/DART are being performed for analysis of the observations. (August-September 2013)
Forecasts of MOZART and FLEXPART tracers were used in flight planning for NOMADSS, a component of the Southeast Atmosphere Study (SAS). Plots of MOZART are on the EOL SAS Field Catalog. FLEXPART back trajectories are shown on Christoph Knote's webpage. (June-July 2013)
Forecasts by the ACRESP group supported the NSF DC3 experiment. Products included MOZART tracer forecasts, near-real-time MOPITT and IASI CO retrievals, and fire emissions from FINN. (May-June 2012)
MOPITT, MOZART-4 and CAM-Chem were used to assist in flight planning for NASA's ARCTAS aircraft experiment. (March-April 2008)
In support of the NSF/NCAR MIRAGE-Mex and NASA INTEX-B field campaigns, we provided MOPITT CO retrievals and MOZART-4 simulations with the assimilation of MOPITT CO. (March 2006)