Biomass Burning Uncertainty: ReactioNs, Emissions and Dynamics (BBURNED)
Overarching Objective:
BBURNED aims to better quantify the current understanding of the uncertainty and variability in biomass burning emission estimation, and determine how to more accurately represent atmospheric chemistry resulting from fire. We will be a conduit to coordinate and organize the international scientific community to improve understanding of the current and future impacts of wildfires, prescribed burning and agricultural fire on public health and climate by addressing the uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry processes influenced by biomass burning.
BBURNED is an activity of the IGAC Project (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry) at the University of Colorado / CIRES. We are comprised of three working groups: 1. Emissions, 2. Chemistry and 3. Modelling. Provide input to define the working group directions via this Form.
We are hosting an inter-journal special collection in the AGU/JGR family
The collection aims to gather submissions relating to describing, quantifying and mitigating uncertainties in biomass burning emissions, atmospheric chemistry processes, and model parameterizations. Stay tuned for more information!
Publications involving BBURNED:
- Elementa, Biomass burning emission estimation in the MODIS era, under review
- IGAC Newsletter Item, FUNCHEM, TBD
- GMD, HTAP3 Fires: Towards a multi-model, multi-pollutant study of fire impacts, 2025
- FLARE Workshop Report, 2024
- IGAC Newsletter Item, FEW, March 2024