All-Staff Reports

All-Staff Reports are informal briefs by ACOM staff and visitors on their recent work. In the past few years, reports have primarily focused on scientific research activities (hence the former name: "Research Reports"). However, in 2018 we began to include activities by all staff, not all of which may quite fit under the descriptor "research" but which nonetheless significantly contribute to the attainment of Laboratory research objectives. Technical staff may report on major projects or specific tasks, while administrative staff may report on activities which make much of the Lab's work even possible. Indeed not all work by scientific staff is exactly research, so they might report on their current research or other activities in which they are engaged.

Reports are held every other Wednesday, online and in FL2-2512 at 11:00 am. For past report topics, see: 2024.

If you cannot make your scheduled slot, please do your best to switch with someone else. In the event you are unable to do so, please contact Carl Drews (and the sooner the better).

Schedule for January - December 2025

Date Name
January 15 American Meteorological Society, 12-16 January
January 29 Alma Roux
Carl Drews, SERVIR Geospatial WebApp contained within Docker
Shima Shams, Enhanced Air Quality Forecast System Through Chemical Data Assimilation: A Co-Design Effort with Local Stakeholders in Eastern and Southern Africa
February 12 Mijeong Park, The PACE Mission (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem)
Louisa Emmons, MUSICAv0 for Asia-AQ
Wenfu Tang, Urban surface properties and their potential connections with urban air quality
February 26 Anne Smith, My history with TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) Satellite
Forrest Lacey, Successful Aging in a Time of Wildfires. Air Quality Impacts on Kidney Disease Progression.
Pieternel Levelt, Director Update
March 12
Mary Barth, Aqueous-Phase Chemistry Can Increase Organic Aerosol Concentrations in Deep Convection – in some cases. Now Able to Run Global, Convective-Resolving Simulations with CAM-MPAS (results from the SIMA Project)
Emily Doremire, Workday Financials
Eric Apel, Recent ethylene oxide measurements by the VOC measurements group
March 26  
Ben Gaubert
April 9 Pieternel Levelt, Science Presentation
Debbie Ryan
Matt Dawson
April 23 Becky Hornbrook
Courtney Owen
Sam Hall
May 7 Convergence Science Program
May 21 Pablo Lichtig
Barb Tunison
Jon Starr
June 4 Ren Smith
Shawn Honomichl
Pieternel Levelt, Director Update
June 18 Behrooz Roozitalab
James Hannigan
Kirk Ullmann
July 2 Ajay Parottil
David Fillmore
Bill Randel
July 16 Kyle Shores
Emily Tinney
Qing Ye
July 30 Brett Palm
John Orlando
Simone Tilmes
August 13 Steve Gabbard
Jiwon Gim
Teresa Campos
August 27 Steve Shertz
Danny Leung
Pieternel Levelt, Director Update
September 10 Julia Lee-Taylor
Alan Hills
Kelley Barsanti
September 24 Frank Flocke
Ilaria Quaglia
Jun Zhang
 October 8 Rebecca Buchholz
Kyle Zarzana
David Edwards
October 22 Alessandro Franchin
Kwesi Quagraine
Pieternel Levelt, Director Update
November 5 Martina Bramberger
Daniel Ziskin
Gabi Pfister
November 19 Helen Worden
Montek Thind
Kirk Lesko
December 3 Francis Vitt
Pieternel Levelt, Director Updates
