Measurements of Atmospheric Reactive Gases
In-Situ Photochemical Tracer Measurements
The in-situ observations group is responsible for a number of aircraft trace gas instruments, including instruments that can be requested via the NSA/LAOF process, or collaboratively deployed on other platforms.
- Picarro cavity ring-down absorption instrument for CH4, CO2, and H2O (certified for GV and C130). LAOF community Requestable.
- Aerodyne Research TILDAS instrument for ambient measurement of CO, N2O, and H2O (certified for GV and C130). LAOF community Requestable.
- Chemiluminescence instruments (2) for high precision and/or fast-time response ambient measurements of Ozone. LAOF community Requestable.
- Compact 2-channel chemiluminescence instrument with photolytic conversion / gold catalytic conversion for the ambient measurement of NO and either NO2 or NOy (home built, certified for GV and C130). LAOF community Requestable.
- 4-channel chemiluminescence instrument / photolytic conversion / gold catalytic conversion for the ambient measurement of NO, NO2, NOy, O3 (home built for various aircraft, not certified for GV). LAOF community Requestable.
- Thermal Dissociation Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer
- Modified Aerolaser vacuum-UV flourescence instruments (2) for the ambient measurement of CO (no longer LAOF community requestable but still available upon special request)
- PAN-CIMS, built in collaboration with Georgia Tech). Available to the community by special request.
- Single-channel chemiluminescense instrument suitable for laboratory or other ground-based measurements of NO and NO2 (alternating)
Summary of Development Projects:
- APROC (ACOM Project for the Revitalization of Observational Capabilities, Aircraft WingPod CIMS instrument Development)
- Modernization of our NOx measurement suite (Development of an LIF based NOx measurement)
- ChemPod (Aircraft WingPod Tracer Package)
For more information, see Reactive Gases Instruments.
Reactive Gases