LIF development

Development of a LIF based method for the measurement of NO and NO2 in ambient air

Lead: Alessandro Franchin

ACOM is planning to build a two-channel instrument for the concurrent airborne measurement of NO and NO2 in ambient air using a novel laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique, employing a light emitting diode (LED) photolytic converter for the conversion of NO2 to NO. This instrument suite will be community requestable for use on board the NCAR/NSF GV and C-130 aircraft or other LAOF supported activities. The instrument will replace the current, chemiluminescence based community requestable instrument suite which is ageing and uses many legacy parts which are difficult to source. The new instrument will be more sensitive, easier to deploy, more reliable, and state-of-the-art. It will save cabin space and weight on the aircraft, and will eventually require fewer support staff in the field than current instrumentation. It is our intention to eventually design and build a wingpod-based photochemical tracer package containing NOx, O3, CO, CO2, CH4, and N2O measurements. Wingpod deployment poses additional design considerations for ruggedness, temperature control, and remote operation. The design of this in-cabin version of the instrument will be performed with these requirements in mind, in order to make a later transition into a pod-based package easier.