In-Situ/Airborne Observations

Atmospheric Radiation Investigations and Measurements (ARIM)

The ARIM group focuses on measurements of ultraviolet and visible solar radiation as a driver of atmospheric chemistry.

Core Atmospheric Tracers

The Core Atmospheric Tracers team, part of the In-Situ Photochemical Tracer Measurements group, provides several airborne tracer measurements to a broad range of NSF LAOF supported field campaigns. 

Measurements of Atmospheric Reactive Gases

The in-situ observations group is responsible for a number of aircraft trace gas instruments, including instruments that can be requested via the NSA/LAOF process, or collaboratively deployed on other platforms.

NOx and Ozone Measurement Group

The NOx and Ozone measurement group, composed by Alessandro Franchin (PI), and Changmin Cho, (previously led by Andy Weinheimer) specializes in airborne measurements of NO, NO2, and ozone at high time resolution (1 Hz) and at high precision. 

VOC Measurements Group

The VOC measurements group, led by Dr. Eric Apel, strives to be a world leader in the measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the interpretation and synthesis of these measurements in the full context of atmospheric chemistry.