Workshop Announcement
Health, Agricultural and Water Risks Associated with Air Quality and Climate in Asia
Workshop Focusing on Data Analyses and
High Resolution Chemistry-Climate Modeling
July 9-12, 2013
Foothills Lab, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado
This workshop is running in parallel to the Fifth Biannual Colloquium on Climate and Health. The first session will be a joint oral session between the workshops. There will be a joint poster session and reception Tuesday evening. On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning there will be training sessions held jointly between the two workshops.
Goals of Workshop:
- Foster collaborations between the atmospheric chemistry, climate, health, agriculture, hydrology, and social sciences communities.
- Become familiar with tools and datasets used in each community and develop strategies for integrating them effectively.
- Develop a modeling, integration and data analysis exercise for a future publication.
- Create a plan for designing high-resolution regional-scale chemistry-climate simulations over Asia for which critical topics are addressed.
- Keynote talks on Asia and its role in air quality, climate, health, agriculture, and water resources.
- Cross-disciplinary discussions linking urbanization, governance, vulnerability and risk, and air quality and climate to the three topics.
- Breakout sessions to identify key questions and create a plan for future studies.
- Small group discussion sessions to learn about tools and datasets.
- Detailed agenda.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Mary Barth, Greg Carmichael, Christine Wiedinmyer, Louisa Emmons, Steve Massie, Paty Romero-Lankao.
The workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation grant CHE-1049058.