Workshop Announcement

Health, Agricultural and Water Risks Associated with Air Quality and Climate in Asia

Workshop Focusing on Data Analyses and

High Resolution Chemistry-Climate Modeling

July 9-12, 2013

Foothills Lab, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado


World map with Asia highlighted

This workshop is running in parallel to the Fifth Biannual Colloquium on Climate and Health. The first session will be a joint oral session between the workshops. There will be a joint poster session and reception Tuesday evening. On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning there will be training sessions held jointly between the two workshops.

Goals of Workshop:

  1. Foster collaborations between the atmospheric chemistry, climate, health, agriculture, hydrology, and social sciences communities.
  2. Become familiar with tools and datasets used in each community and develop strategies for integrating them effectively.
  3. Develop a modeling, integration and data analysis exercise for a future publication.
  4. Create a plan for designing high-resolution regional-scale chemistry-climate simulations over Asia for which critical topics are addressed.


  • Keynote talks on Asia and its role in air quality, climate, health, agriculture, and water resources.
  • Cross-disciplinary discussions linking urbanization, governance, vulnerability and risk, and air quality and climate to the three topics.
  • Breakout sessions to identify key questions and create a plan for future studies.
  • Small group discussion sessions to learn about tools and datasets.
  • Detailed agenda.



International Global Atmospheric Chemistry


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Scientific Organizing Committee:

Mary Barth, Greg Carmichael, Christine Wiedinmyer, Louisa Emmons, Steve Massie, Paty Romero-Lankao.

The workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation grant CHE-1049058.