Agenda and Presentations

Health, Agricultural and Water Risks Associated with Air Quality and Climate in Asia

Tuesday    July 9,    2013
Introduction - Joint with 5th Biannual Colloquium on Climate and Health

(Chairs: Mary Barth and Mary Hayden)
Time Session Speaker
8:30 a.m. Welcome and Goals Barth, Hayden, Luber
9:00 a.m. Asian development and its Role in Air Quality, Climate, Health, Agriculture, and Water Resources Ramanathan (UCSD)
9:30 a.m. Keynote – Multiple Stressors and their Effect on Health George Luber and Ben Beard (CDC)
10:00 a.m. Global Burden of Disease Aaron Cohen (HEI)
Talks Connecting to Agriculture and Hydrology

(Chair: Steve Massie)
11:00 a.m. Key Issues on Impacts of Air Quality and Climate on Agriculture Jen Burney (UCSD)
11:30 p.m. Key Issues on Impacts of Air Quality and Climate on Hydrology Rao Kotamarthi (Argonne Nat’l Lab)
12:00 p.m. Simulations with WRF-Hydrology in Complex Terrain Roy Rasmussen (NCAR)
Climate Modeling – Joint with Colloquium

(Chair: Louisa Emmons)
1:30 p.m. Global Climate Modeling Jim Hurrell (NCAR)
2:00 p.m. Regional-Scale – NARCCP Linda Mearns (NCAR)
2:30 p.m. Local Climate Modeling (Houston) Andy Monaghan (NCAR)
3:30 p.m. Assessment of Future Climate Change over East Asia Due to the RCP Scenarios Downscaled by GRIMs-RMP Song-You Hong (YSU)
3:50 p.m. Poster Introductions and Introductions  


Tuesday Evening
5:00-7:00 p.m.     Poster Session and Reception – Joint with Colloquium on Climate and Health
 Poster  Author  Topic
 1  Chinmay Jena, Sachin Ghude (IITM)  Fire emission impact on air quality in South Asia
 2  Rajesh Kumar (NCAR)  Influences of a typical pre-monsoon season dust-storm on aerosol optical properties and radiation budget in northern India
 3  Andrew Ault (U, Michigan)  Characterization of the Chemical Mixing State of Individual Atmospheric Particles in Asian Outflow and Comparison with a Global Climate Model
 4  Cindy Bruyere (NCAR)  WRF as a Regional Climate Model in Asia
 5  Yang Zhang (NCSU)  Studying Aerosol Indirect Effects with Improved Aerosol‐Cloud‐Precipitation Representation using WRF-CAM5: Model Development and Some Results
 6  Mary Barth (NCAR)  Initial Results from Regional-Scale Chemistry-Climate Simulations
 7  David Yates (NCAR)  Water Resources in Vietnam
 8  John Worden (JPL/Caltech)  Satellite Estimates of Summertime Near-Surface Ozone over Asia
 9  Shannon Capps (US EPA)  Probing the Influences on Modeled Cloud Droplet Concentrations with Adjoints
 10  Gregory Frost (NOAA/CIRES)  Addressing Science and Policy Needs with Community Emissions Efforts
 11 Nitin Kumar Jaiswal (U. Raipur)  Carbonaceous particulate pollution: Sources and Impacts in India
 12  Niraj Khanal (Env. Nepal)  Climate Change and Its Impacts in Himalayan Region
 13 Sivasakthivel Senthilvel (Bangalore Univ.)  Airborne Multi Antibiotic Resistant (Mar) Bacteria Isolated From Concentrated Garbage Dumping Sites Of Bangalore Urban, India


Wednesday July 10, 2013
Tools Across Disciplines

(Chair: Christine Wiedinmyer)
Time Session Speaker
8:30 a.m. Emissions and how to get them Greg Carmichael (U Iowa)
8:50 a.m. Chemical Weather Forecasting in Asia: The AQAPA Consortium and the PANDA Project Guy Brasseur (Climate Service Center)
9:10 a.m. Satellite Observation Tools Steven Massie (NCAR)
9:30 a.m. Relating health and climate impacts to emissions controls using adjoint sensitivity modeling for the Climate and Clean Air Coalition Daven Henze (U Colorado)
9:50 a.m. The effects of recent control policies on trends in emissions of anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants and CO2 in China Yu Zhao (Nanjing U)
Air Quality and Health – Joint with Colloquium

(Chair: Greg Carmichael)
1:00 p.m. Air pollution health co-benefits of climate mitigation strategies Pat Kinney (Columbia)
1:30 p.m. Chemical composition and sources of particle pollution and its impact on cardiovascular health in rural China Jill Baumgartner (UMinn)
2:00 p.m. Evaluating population exposure to environmental pollutants: a case study for India Dilip Chate (IITM, Pune)
2:30 p.m. Summary of the Guangzhou Workshop Christine Wiedinmyer (NCAR)
Cross-disciplinary Activities

(Chair: Paty Romero-Lankao)  
3:00 p.m. Impacts of AQ and water availability to agriculture Lisa Emberson (York U.)
3:30 p.m. Low carbon cities, insights from India and China Paty Romero-Lankao (NCAR)
3:50 p.m. Exploring influences on Asian urban GHG emissions using top-down analysis Peter Marcotullio (CUNY)
4:10 p.m. Air pollution control policies in Mega cities over China Xuemei Wang (Sun Yat-Sen U.)


Thursday July 11, 2013
Current Issues in Asia

(Chair: Louisa Emmons)
Time Session Speaker
8:30 a.m. Development of High Resolution Emission Inventory of Mega Cities Gufran Beig (IITM)
8:50 a.m. Review of Tao et al. (2012) "Impact of Aerosols on Convective Clouds and Precipitation" Steven Massie (NCAR)
9:10 a.m. Effects of anthropogenic aerosols on Monsoon Climate in East Asia Tijian Wang (Nanjing U.)
9:30 a.m. Improving quantitative methods to assess multiple benefits of reducing short-lived climate pollutants to agriculture in Asia Patrick  Büker (U. York)
9:50 a.m. Impact of ozone on agricultural crop yields in India Sachin Ghude (IITM)
Observations and Model Output Available to the Community

 (technical summaries and demos)
1:00 p.m. Fire Emissions Louisa Emmons
1:30 p.m. Global Model Atmospheric Chemistry Output Louisa Emmons
2:00 p.m. Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Model Output Xiaoyan Jiang
2:30 p.m. Satellite Observations – GIOVANNI Steven Massie