
The NASA Pandora project is part of the Pandonia Global Network. This project uses spectroscopy to study ultraviolet (UV) and visible wavelengths of light to determine the composition of the atmosphere and its interactions with Earth’s environment. The Pandora Spectrometer System was designed to specifically look at levels of ozone, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde in the atmosphere. What makes the Pandora network unique from other ground-based networks at NASA is that it can measure total column profiles, observing different layers of the atmosphere at once. (NASA)

ACOM will be adding a Pandora system to measure alongside the FTIR at FL0, allowing for trace gas retrievals from the IR though the UV and multispectral measurements for a number of species. The system will be about 5 km from the Pandora at NOAA (PI: I. Petropavlovskikh), about the East-West size of a TEMPO pixel, which will allow us to quantify sub-pixel variability measured over Boulder with interesting topography and meteorology.

See also:


Additional Photos


The Pandora instrument


Pandora instrument over Boulder, Colorado.


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Ivan Ortega

James Hannigan