Hg Inlet
UW-DOGS Hg Inlet (University of Washington-Bothell, Department of Atmospheric Sciences) and BAI PTRMS Heated Inlet (National Center for Atmospheric Research BAI Group)
NCAR scientific staff requested an inlet for use by the UW-Bothell Department of Atmospheric Sciences, and Steve Shertz needed a similar design for the BAI PTRMS heated inlet. We used existing components from a previous UW-Bothell inlet and packaged these components with improved insulation, thermal management, connector mounts, and inlet hardware. A new pylon cross-section was needed, which required working with NCAR DFS staff to determine appropriate welding processes, welding certification, and heat-treating requirements to meet C-130 aircraft guidelines. We designed a new pylon assembly with connectors and thermal safeguards that allowed the use of high-efficiency insulation, created all part and assembly drawings, and modified drawings as needed for cost estimates and part fabrication. The BAI PTRMS heated inlet was very similar to the WAMO Hg inlet, and we modified WAMO HG inlet drawings to create an assembly for the BAI PTRMS heated inlet, and these parts were also submitted to the shop for fabrication. The WAMO Hg and BAI PTRMS inlets were tested on the NCAR C-130 aircraft during the NOMADSS project and met all scientific and design requirements.
UW-DOGS Hg Inlet Assembly – University of Washington-Bothell
UW-DOGS Hg Inlet Assembly Drawing