Singletrack Atmospheric Model Unification Project

Singletrack is the NCAR effort to develop a vision for a System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA). The primary goal of the 'SIMA' system is to be able to conduct frontier science simulations in climate, weather and geospace research using the same modeling system.  The Singletrack project is tasked to develop a strategic roadmap for SIMA. 

The Singletrack project is aiming to produce a strategy for SIMA by the end of 2018, with input from across NCAR and the communities that NCAR serves. 
The Vision Document and a Presentation outlining the SIMA vision are available.

Detailed documents supporting the vision and plan can be found here: Documents

For more information on the project, see the Presentations, Activities and People tabs above.

Status of Singletrack/SIMA (November 2018): We are refining the implementation plan, finishing the Singletrack planning process.


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