V7 MOPITT Level 2 Parameter Table


Dimension Name Definition Size
nTime Number of retrievals Varies with each granule
nChan Number of channels of the instrument 8
nTwo For data fields which include associated variability/uncertainty, first element is the parameter and second element is variability/uncertainty, unless otherwise specified. 2
nPrs Number of pressure levels 9
nPrs2 Number of pressure levels, including the surface 10
nPix The number of pixels 4


Field Name Definition Dimension Units Data Type*
SecondsinDay Time of the measurement in seconds from the beginning of the day. nTime s F
Latitude Geolocation of the pixel nTime deg F
Longitude Geolocation of the pixel nTime deg F
Pressure Pressure Levels nPrs hPa F
Pressure2 Pressure Levels including the surface nPrs2 hPa F
Time TAI Time of the observation nTime s F

*F = Floating Point I = Integer


Field Name Definition Dimension Units Data Type
RetrrievedCOTotalColumn CO Total Column nTwo,nTime mol/cm2 F
RetrievedCOMixingRatioProfile CO Mixing Ratio for the layer above each pressure level nTwo,nPrs,nTime ppbv F
RetrievedCOSurfaceMixingRatio CO Mixing Ratio at the surface nTwo,nTime ppbv F


Field Name Definition Dimension Units Data Type
APrioriCOMixingRatioProfile Temporally and geographically variable a priori for CO profile based on a climatology for 2000-2009 simulated with the CAM-Chem model nTwo,nPrs,nTime ppbv F
APrioriCOSurfaceMixingRatio Temporally and geographically variable a priori for surface CO based on a climatology for 2000-2009 simulated with the CAM-Chem model nTwo,nTime ppbv F
APrioriCOTotalColumn Temporally and geographically variable a priori for total column CO based on a climatology for 2000-2009 simulated with the CAM-Chem model nTwo,nTime ppbv F


These quantities are unitless

Field Name Definition Dimension Data Type
AveragingKernelRowSums This diagnostic provides a single scalar value for each row of the averaging kernel matrix equal to the sum of the elements in that row. Small row-sum values indicate retrieval levels heavily weighted by the a priori while values approaching unity indicate levels with relatively weak sensitivity to the a priori. nPrs2,nTime F
RetrievalAveragingKernelMatrix For each retrieval, a floating point array (10 x 10) containing the matrix describing the sensitivity of the retrieved CO profile to the true CO profile. Dimensions of Retrieval Averaging Kernel Matrix are ordered (nrow, ncolumn, ntime) nPrs2,nPrs2,nTime F
TotalColumnAveragingKernel This diagnostic allows users to properly compare MOPITT total column retrievals with total columns derived from in-situ profiles or model simulations. Prs2,nTime F
TotalColumnAveragingKernelDimless This diagnostic allows users to properly compare MOPITT total column retrievals with total columns derived from in-situ profiles or model simulations independent of assumed pressure level. nPrs2,nTime F


These quantities are unitless

Field Name Definition Dimension Data Type
CloudDescription 0 = clear, only MOPITT thermal and cloudtop used

1 = clear, only MOPITT thermal used

2 = MOPITT and MODIS cloud mask agree on clear

3 = MODIS cloud mask only clear (when MOPITT determines cloudy)

4 = MOPITT overriding MODIS cloud mask over low clouds (MODIS test flags used)

5 = MODIS cloud mask only, clear over polar regions

6 = Nighttime ocean scenes where the MODIS cloud mask-based test finds that the area was cloudy but MOPITT's thermal-channel radiances finds that the area was clear

7 - 10: reserved for cloud cleared pixels

11 = MOPITT only, cloudy (when MODIS data missing)

12 = First 2 stares in a packet discarded (obsolete for V3)

13 = MOPITT and MODIS cloud mask agree on cloudy

14 = MOPITT clear, MODIS cloudy and failed low cloud tests

15 = MODIS cloud mask only, cloudy over polar regions
nTime I
MODISCloudDiagnostics (1) Number of "determined" MODIS pixels

(2) Fraction of cloudy MODIS pixels

(3) Fraction of clear MODIS pixels

(4) Average value of "sun glint" MODIS flag

(5) Average value of "snow/ice background" MODIS flag

(6) Average value of "non-cloud obstruction" MODIS flag

(7) Average value of "IR threshold test" MODIS flag

(8) Average value of "IR temperature difference tests" MODIS flag

(9) Average value of "visible reflectance test" MODIS flag

(10) Fraction of "determined" MODIS pixels
10,nTime F


Field Name Definition Dimension Units Data Type
APrioriSurfaceEmissivity First guess of surface emissivity from static map nTwo,nTime   F
APrioriSurfaceTemperature First guess of surface temperature from MERRA2 analysis nTwo,nTime K F
DEMAltitude Digital Elevation Model surface height nTime m F
SurfaceIndex 0=water


2=mixed (coastline)
nTime   I
SurfacePressure Surface pressure from MERRA2 analysis nTime hPa F
RetrievedSurfaceEmissivity Surface emissivity from the retrieval nTwo, nTime F
RetrievedSurfaceTemperature Surface temperature from the retrieval nTwo,nTime K F


Field Name Definition Dimension Units Data Type
DailyGainDev This diagnostic provides the standard deviation of the gain values used to calibrate the radiances for a particular channel and pixel on one day. In this case, nTwo is the Average and Difference signal gains. nTwo,nChan,nPix   F
Level1RadiancesandErrors First index of Level 1 Radiances and Errors corresponds to radiances/uncertainties; second index corresponds to channel (in sequence 7A, 3A, 1A, 5A, 7D, 3D, 1D, 5D, 2A, 6A, 2D, 6D). nTwo,12,nTime W/m2Sr F


These quantities are unitless

Field Name Definition Dimension Data Type
DegreesofFreedomforSignal For each retrieval, a floating point value describing the number of pieces of independent information in the retrieval, equal to the trace of the averaging kernel matrix. nTime F
MeasurementErrorCovarianceMatrix Measurement error represents the retrieval uncertainty due to uncertainties in the measured radiances (including instrument 'noise'). nPrs2,nPrs2,nTime F
RetrievalAnomalyDiagnostic These flags are set to true when particular anomalous conditions are observed, suggesting that the retrievals should either be ignored or used cautiously. The first four flags (i.e., elements 1-4 of the Retrieval Anomaly Diagnostic array) are set to true (i.e., a value of 1) when one of the thermal channel weighting functions exhibits a sign change vertically. Elements 1-4 correspond respectively to the 5A, 5D, 7A, and 7D weighing functions. The fifth flag of the Retrieval Anomaly Diagnostic array is set to true when the retrieval averaging kernel matrix includes at least one negative element on the matrix diagonal. 5,nTime I
RetrievalErrorCovarianceMatrix For each retrieval, a floating point array (10 x 10) containing the a posteriori covariance matrix in base-10 log(VMR). nPrs2,nPrs2,nTime F
RetrievalIterations The number of iterations before the forward model converged on a retrieval nTime I
SignalChi2 A measure of the retrieval's goodness of fit. nTime F
SmoothingErrorCovarianceMatrix Smoothing error represents the retrieval uncertainty due to the influence of a priori and the features of the weighting functions. nPrs2,nPrs2,nTime F
RetrievedCOTotalColumnDiagnostics This two-element vector contains both the estimated smoothing error and measurement error contributions to the total retrieval error (in that order). Smoothing error represents the uncertainty in the retrieved total column due to the departure of the actual total column averaging kernel from the ideal total column averaging kernel. Measurement error describes the uncertainty due to errors in the measured radiances. nTwo,nTime F


Field Name Definition Dimension Units Data Type
PressureGrid 900hPa, 800hPa, 700hPa, 600hPa,500hPa, 400hPa, 300hPa, 200hPa, 100hP nPrs hPa F
SolarZenithAngle Angle of solar incidence on the pixel nTime deg F
SatelliteZenithAngle Viewing angle of the satellite - nadir is 0 nTime deg F
SwathIndex For each retrieval, a three-element integer vector containing the unique 'pixel' (varies from 1 to 4), 'stare' (varies from 1 to 29), and 'track' indices. 29 stares (equivalent to the mirror pivoting out and back) define one track. 3,nTime

I DryAirColumnDry-air atmospheric column to facilitate the computation of the equivalent mixing ratio of CO averaged over the atmospheric columnnTimemol/cm2F WaterVaporColumnMoist-air atmospheric column to facilitate the computation of the equivalent mixing ratio of CO averaged over the atmospheric columnnTimemol/cm2F

NOTES: Fill Values are -9999



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