MSI Trace Organic Gas Analyzer Time-Of-Flight (TOGA-TOF) Mass Spectrometer

An existing instrument had been developed by the VOC group for trace organic gas measurements for aircraft installation.  A new TOFWerk high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer was purchased for integration with the existing TOGA hardware.  We worked with the VOC group to create a conceptual design of the new rack mounted installation, including design and specification of a custom instrument rack, mechanical mounting and vibration isolation of the new mass spectrometer, creation of all mechanical part and assembly drawings, fabrication and assembly assistance, and creation of mechanical structural certification of the full instrument installation.  The TOGA-TOF was flown on the NASA DC-8 during the joint NASA/NOAA FIREX-AQ airborne campaign in 2019.


Trace Organic Gas Analyzer Time-Of-Flight (TOGA-TOF) Mass Spectrometer



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Stephen Shertz