Atmospheric Odd Nitrogen NO-NO2 FIREX-AQ Installation

The Atmospheric Odd Nitrogen NO-NO2 two channel instrument was requested for flight use during the NASA/NOAA Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) field campaign.  The instrument is typically mounted in a HIAPER GV main cabin equipment rack, but the instrument was scheduled to be flown on a NOAA Twin Otter research aircraft, requiring repackaging and reinstallation in the new instrument rack.  We provided overall engineering support for the installation including instrument layout using Solidworks, weight and moment calculations, component installation hardware, and acted as an engineering interface with Michael Robinson (mechanical/integration engineer, NOAA).  The two channel instrument was installed and flown during the FIREX-AQ field campaign in summer 2019.


Atmospheric Odd Nitrogen NO-NO2 FIREX-AQ Installation



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Stephen Shertz