Managing Your Staff Page

Prior to 2013 we hosted web pages for ACOM staff on our server. These pages provided a facility for highlighting scientific research and other professional activities. ACOM staff pages were located via URLs of the form:

In 2013 NCAR introduced a Staff Directory for the entire organization. The NCAR Staff Directory provides a standard template for entering and displaying staff information. Each staff page provides tabs for your Biography, Research Interests, Publications, Curriculum Vitae, Education, and additional Links. NCAR Staff Pages are located via URLs of the form: To fill out the profile on your Staff Page:

  1. Go to the NCAR Staff Directory at:
  2. Login using the navigation link at the top center of the page.
  3. If you are not taken to your profile automatically, search for your name.
  4. If you are not already in edit mode, click on Actions -> Edit Your Profile.
  5. Make any changes to the six tabs provided. Tabs that you leave blank will not appear.
  6. Save (bottom of the page). This returns you to view mode.
  7. Logout using the navigation link at the top of the page.

The NCAR Staff Directory is the primary means for locating staff and providing contact information. ACOM will continue to support the ACOM-hosted pages for staff who need web capabilities beyond what the Staff Directory can provide. The NCAR Staff Directory can be used as a lightweight portal to a more extensive ACD page. If you need your NCAR Staff Page to link to your ACOM page, you can set up that link as follows:

  1. Go to UCAR People Search:
  2. Search for your name.
  3. Double-click on your listing to open your record. Login.
  4. Look down on the left side of the page for your Home Page. Click the Edit button.
  5. Enter the URL for your ACOM staff page, for example:
  6. Save.
  7. Logout (upper right-hand corner).
  8. The new URL should appear on your NCAR Staff Page in 24 hours.



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