Forecasts and Near Real Time (NRT) Products

Daily chemical forecasts are now being provided with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) configuration of CESM2 [Gettelman et al., 2019,]. 10-day forecasts are being run, driven by NASA/GMAO GEOS-5 meteorological forecasts. Fire emissions are updated daily with near-real-time FINNv1 emissions and used for the following 10-day forecast. Anthropogenic emissions are from the CAMS inventory. The chemistry scheme is the MOZART TSMLT1 chemical mechanism [Emmons et al., 2020,] with MAM4 aerosols (see Liu et al. (GMD, 2015)).

Daily forecasts of U.S. air quality for the next 48 hours are being provided with WRF-Chem. These forecasts use WACCM output for chemical boundary conditions and FINNv1-NRT fire emissions and are evaluated in near-real-time with U.S. EPA AirNow surface observations for ozone and PM2.5. MELODIES-MONET provides comparison maps of WRF-Chem and AirNow.

Users of the forecasts who would like to be informed about downtimes and other issues with daily production are encouraged to sign up for the ACOM Forecast Notification list.

We have provided a variety of tools for visualizing our data products:

WACCM Global Model

WACCM Forecast Maps

Custom Forecast Plots

WACCM Chemical Map


Satellites and WRF-Chem Regional Model

MOPITT in Worldview (NRT)

WRF-Chem Forecasts


FINN Fire Emissions (NRT)


Subset Download

We have also made our data products available for subset download in a variety of ways:




FINN emissions data files are available at:
FINN fire emissions for previous years are available on the NCAR Research Data Archive: 
Chemical Forecasts