Working Group 2: Partnership with global and regional modeling communities
Leads: Jonathon Wright (, TBD
Focus: Foster two-way interactions with global and regional modeling communities, focusing on the representation of the monsoon and its impacts on composition in climate models and connecting the ACAM community to advanced modeling tools, organizing ACAM-related modeling and analysis.
Working group tasks:
- Establish connections between the ACAM community the global and regional modeling communities
- Foster the use of existing, state-of-the-art modeling tools for ACAM-related studies
- Coordinate modeling and data analysis activities focused on ACAM topics
Current and proposed activities:
- Create an ACAM-Model-Intercomparison Project (ACAM-MIP), which is connected to the AeroCom/HTAP existing or proposed model experiments
- Define a common set of diagnostics and metrics linking different typologies of observations and Global Models for model evaluation, model improvements, interpretation of model predictions
- Communicate with other WGs on data sharing and in-situ/remote sensing data analysis, data needs, and training activities on using models for ACAM
Links of the modeling activities/projects relevant to ACAM:
Discussion platform: Please write us if you would like to be a member of this group. We are creating a mailing list for future discussions.
Upcoming event:
WG2 meeting during the 4th ACAM workshop, June 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia