MusicBox for Classroom Teaching

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During summer 2021, Joana Olsen (NCAR Earth System Science Internship student from University of Wyoming) used the MusicBox model in its Interactive configuration to generate publicly available box model exercises and to validate the box model results. This work was done in collaboration with the ACOM MUSICA team and university professors, Dr. Ave Arellano (University of Arizona) and Dr. Yang Li (Baylor University). The project created a series of stratosphere chemistry examples beginning with the Chapman chemistry mechanism that describes Ox (= O3 + O) chemistry and progressively adding HOx (= HO2 + OH), NOx (= NO2 + NO), ClOx (= Cl + ClO), and BrOx (= Br + BrO) chemistry. Figure 1 shows vertical profiles of ozone (O3) mixing ratios using these four chemistry mechanisms and are in good agreement with our textbook knowledge of stratospheric gas-phase chemistry. These box model exercises were utilized by Dr. Arellano and Dr. Li in their classroom instruction during the Fall 2021 term. The MusicBox curriculum exercises can be found on github.


Vertical profiles of ozone mixing ratio in the stratosphere.





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Mary Barth