ACOM at AMS 2025 Annual Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

American Meteorological Society
8:00 am – 5:00 pm MST
Several ACOM staff are in New Orleans, LA, during this week for the AMS 2025 Annual Meeting. Presentations by ACOM staff and visitors include (all times CST):
Bill Randel, 09:00–09:15, Room 226, 1C.3 - UTLS dynamics studied with ROMEX radio occultation measurements.
Rebecca Buchholz, 11:00–11:15, Room 215, J2A.2 - Evaluating the Atmospheric Impact of the Australian 2019/2020 Wildfire Season.
Pieternel Levelt, 17:45–18:00, Room 229, 4B.6 - Investigating Air Pollution and Climate Change on the African Continent: a Global South Perspective.
Pieternel Levelt (panelist), 07:00–08:00, Room 223, Agency Updates - Partners in Community Collaboration: NSF NCAR’s Scientific Priorities.
Shane Marie Visaga (Cicerone Fellow), 09:15 – 09:30, Room 229, 5B.4 - Air Quality Impacts of Biomass Burning Transport During the 2019 CAMP2Ex Using MUSICAv0 with Regional Refinement over Southeast Asia.
Wenfu Tang, 17:45–18:00, Room 232, 8A.6 - Global Expansion of Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) and Wui Fires and the Impact of Wui Fires on Global Air Quality (Invited Presentation).
Martina Bramberger, 15:00–16:30, Hall C, 1049 - Representation of Convective Gravity Waves in High-Vertical-Resolution Global Simulations.
Ajay Parottil, 17:45–18:00, Room 226, 12A.6 - A WRF-Chem Model Study of Aerosol Vertical Transport and Wet Scavenging in Deep Convection during the SEAC4RS Field Campaign.
Ben Gaubert, 10:45–11:00, Room 226, 14A.1 - Role of Atmospheric Chemistry in Monitoring Changes in the CH4 Budget, Investigating the Role of Chemical Feedback.
Wenfu Tang, 11:15–11:30, Room 229, J14C.3 - Lessons learned by modelers in the field during ASIA-AQ (Invited Presentation).
Pieternel Levelt (panelist), 12:15–13:15, Room 223, Town Hall Meeting - Monitoring Air Quality over the Global South: A town hall to bring together the science, technical, and public health communities for future GEO missions.
Wenfu Tang and Pieternel Levelt are co-chairing the session Air Quality Insights from Satellite Retrievals, with 12C, 13C, 14C, and Poster sessions.