ACOM scientists present at NCAR Explorer Series

Frank Flocke and Gabi Pfister discuss FRAPPÉ from Longmont Museum


Gabriele Pfister describes sources of pollution along Colorado's Front Range.

Gabriele Pfister describes natural and human-caused sources of emissions. Click for larger image.

ACOM Scientists Frank Flocke and Gabi Pfister presented The Air We Breathe: On Front Range Air Quality, as part of the NCAR Explorer Series. Their virtual presentation was sponsored by the Longmont Museum, and was held online on Thursday evening, February 25, at 7:30 PM. Find out what’s in the air we breathe, how far it travels, and what we know about the origin of Front Range pollution. You’ll also get a glimpse of the technology used by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to measure local air pollution.

You may watch the recorded presention on the Longmont Museum Facebook page.


Teaser image
Frank Flocke describes the formation of ozone from sunlight, NOx, and VOCs.
Teaser summary