MUSICA Tutorial Series

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A series of tutorial sessions to train students, postdocs and researchers on various aspects of MUSICA was started in November 2021. The first session demonstrated Python tools for visualizing model output on unstructured grids with variable resolution, as is produced by the standard configuration of MUSICAv0. The following sessions (in December and January) taught participants how to run MUSICAv0 (a configuration of CESM) and how to make their own variable resolution grid. All of the tutorials were recorded and are available on the ACOM YouTube channel. Over 80 participants registered prior to the first session, and 42 attended. A few more people have registered since then, with 29 and 27 participating in the 2nd and 3rd sessions. Future sessions will cover the model evaluation tool MELODIES and the box model MusicBox. Informal feedback indicates many participants are finding the tutorials helpful. Several students, postdocs and early career researchers have expressed interest in developing collaborations with ACOM scientists to investigate their science questions using MUSICA.


SO2 mixing ratio over the US.

Figure 1. Sample image from MUSICA plotting tutorial.





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Louisa Emmons