1I: Web-based GECKO-A Library
We used the Generator of Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics for Organics in the Atmosphere (GECKO-A) model to generate a library of gas and particle-phase products from the photo-oxidation of important precursor hydrocarbons. The precursors include both anthropogenic ((pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, decane, dodecane, benzene, and toluene ) and biogenic (isoprene, α-pinene, β-pinene, β-myrcene, limonene, ocimene, and sabinene) compounds. The user can specify five different environmental conditions (urban, polluted continental, continental, remote continental, and remote), and can peruse a number of different outputs (SOA yields, O/C ratios, van Krevelen diagrams, top ten gas and particle species, frequency distributions of carbon mass, carbon chain length, functional groups distribution, vapor pressure, and Henry’s law coefficients).
The GECKO-A web-based library provides researchers with a method to estimate rapidly the major characteristics of the complex mixture of intermediate compounds spawned by a single hydrocarbon precursor. This allows for better planning and interpretation of chamber or field experiments, and provides a natural point of feedback to the evaluation and improvement of the GECKO-A model.
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Carl Drews
NSF NCAR | Research IT | ACOM