ACOM at AGU 2024 Fall Meeting
Washington, DC USA
6:00 am – 5:00 pm MST
Staff Travel
Many ACOM staff are in Washington, DC for the 2024 Fall AGU Meeting. Presentations from ACOM staff/collaborators include (all times ET):
Pieternel Levelt, 08:30–12:20, Hall B-C (Convention Center), A11I-1715 Investigating Air Pollution and Climate Change on the African continent: a Global South perspective.
Kwesi Quagraine, 08:30–12:20, Hall B-C (Convention Center), GC11M-0095 Examining the Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Future African Precipitation Extremes.
Ben Gaubert, 09:40–09:50, Salon C (Convention Center), GC11C-08 Investigating the impact of chemical feedback in global transient simulations driven by methane emissions (Invited).
Rebecca Hornbrook, 13:40–17:30, Hall B-C (Convention Center), A13D-2063 The NSF NCAR Trace Organic Gas Analyzer with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: Calibrations, Uncertainties, and Comparisons.
Eric Apel, 16:05–16:15, 154 A-B (Convention Center), A14A-01 Aircraft-based Ethylene Oxide Measurements from the NSF NCAR Trace Organic Gas Analyzer with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (Invited).
Wenfu Tang, 13:40–17:30, Hall B-C (Convention Center), A23K-2116 Global Expansion of Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) and WUI fires and the impact of WUI fires on global air quality.
Noribeth Mariscal (Cicerone Fellow), 13:40–17:30, Hall B-C (Convention Center), A23J-2097 Quantifying the Contribution of Emissions and Transport to Ozone Production and Loss Processes: A Case Study of Southeast Michigan, United States.
Ilaria Quaglia, 15:06–15:17, Salon A (Convention Center), GC23K-06 Modeling 2020 regulatory changes in international shipping emissions helps explain 2023 anomalous warming.
Danny Leung, 08:30–12:20, Hall B-C (Convention Center), A31J-1865 An 1850–2100 global dust emission dataset for evaluating historical and future dust aerosol impacts on climate (Invited).
Special Presentation, Guy Brasseur will be presented with the Kaufman Award at the end of the Ascent/Holton Session A33G, 14:10–15:40, Salon C (Convention Center).
Bill Randel, 16:21–16:24, eLightning Theater 1 (Convention Center), A34I-08 Evolution of the early Hunga stratospheric water vapor plume observed by radio occultation.
Helen Worden, 09:25–09:35, Salon B (Convention Center), GC41D-06 Continuation of the Terra/MOPITT record of global carbon monoxide.
Forrest Lacey, 13:40–17:30, Hall B-C (Convention Center), GH43C-2775 The role of wildfires on air quality, exposure gradients, and trends in health impacts for major metropolitan areas in the Continental United States.
Guy Brasseur, 16:02–16:07, Ballroom A (Convention Center), U44A Frontier Climate Science and Services to Inform Adaptation and Mitigation Decisions, Oral Session Introductory Remarks.
Changmin Cho, 15:00–15:10, 202 B (Convention Center), A43R-06 Analysis on ozone and nitrate formations in mega cities in Asia during ASIA-AQ.
Sam Hall, 08:30–12:20, Hall B-C (Convention Center), A51T-1956 Biomass burning influenced actinic flux from airborne measurements and aerosol-constrained models during ASIA-AQ.
Yingxiao Zhang, 08:30–12:20, Hall B-C (Convention Center), ED51C-2537 Navigating Science Communication as an International PhD Student: Challenges and Strategies.
Ilaria Quaglia, 08:30–12:20, Hall B-C (Convention Center), GC51X-0293 Developing a set of simple metrics to evaluate the performance of models with interactive stratospheric aerosols.
Lixu Jin (Cicerone Visitor), 154 A-B (Convention Center), A51A-08 Global emissions and chemistry of furanoids: 3-D model analysis and constraints from in-situ observations.
Pablo Lichtig, 14:10–14:13, eLightning Theater 1 (Convention Center), A53AA-01 MELODIES-MONET: A User Friendly, Open-Source Python Tool for Model Evaluation.
Jun Zhang, 15:10–15:20, Ballroom C (Convention Center), A53Z-07 Sources and Regions Attributions to the Upper Troposphere Nitrogen Oxides during the Asian Summer Monsoon.
Ren Smith, 15:20–15:30, Ballroom C (Convention Center), A53Z-08 Impact of East Asian SO2 emission trends on the Modeled Characteristics of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer.
Emily Tinney, 16:30–16:40, Ballroom C (Convention Center), A54J-04 Variations and Trends of Water Vapor Near the Extratropical Tropopause.
Yingxiao Zhang, 17:00–17:10, University of DC & Catholic (Marriott Marquis), GH54A-07 Using satellite-measured aerosol optical properties to improve spatial-temporal estimation of pollen concentrations for public health.