MELODIES Tutorial 2024

Agenda Track
Agenda Description

We will have short lectures introducing various components of MELODIES MONET, followed by hands-on exercises.  The afternoon of the 2nd day will allow extended time to work on advanced topics or add new model results and observations.  This agenda may change, depending on the interests of participants.

We assume participants have some basic knowledge of Python and programming. Although you don't need to know Python to use MELODIES MONET, it can be beneficial, and needed to contribute to development.  

To get started with Python we recommend this site: 
and the resources listed below the agenda.

Tuesday Oct 15

Introductions, surface comparisons, aircraft comparisons

9:00 - Introductions to MELODIES MONET, MONET and MONETIO

9:45 - Lecture: Surface comparisons

10:30 - Break

11:00 - Hands-on: Surface comparisons

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Lectures: Command Line Tool, Real-time Forecast Evaluation, ReadTheDocs, YAML Files

2:10 - Advanced Surface Evaluation Features

2:30 - Break

3:00 - Lecture: Aircraft comparisons

3:30 - Hands-on: Aircraft comparisons

4:30 - Questions and Discussion

5:00 - Adjourn

Wednesday Oct 16

Satellite comparisons, Advanced concepts and adding new data

9:00 - Lecture: Comparisons to satellite observations

10:00 - Break

10:30 - Hands-on: Comparisons to satellite observations

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Lecture: How to get involved

1:20 - Hands-on in small groups working on adding features and advanced concepts

3:10 - Break

3:40 - Summary of breakout groups

4:00 - Discussion, Questions, Wrap-up and Future Directions

5:00 - Adjourn