Particle Investigations at a Norther Ozarks Tower: NOx, Oxidant, Isoprene Research

A field study investigating biogenic VOC emissions and oxidation, HOx recycling and new particle formation was conducted in an oak forest at the U. Missouri Ozarks flux tower observatory from May to October 2012, with an intensive campaign during July and August. NESL scientists collaborated with John Mak (Stony Brook U.), Shanhu Lee (Kent State U.), Mark Potosnak (DePaul U.), Kelly Barsanti (Portland State U.), Kevin Hosman (U. Missouri) and Chris Geron (USEPA). A comprehensive and unique suite of instruments was deployed to simultaneously quantify biogenic VOC fluxes (PTR-QMS measuring canopy scale fluxes and enclosures for measuring leaf scale fluxes using GC-MS, GC-FID and a fast chemiluminescence analyzer), biogenic VOC oxidation products (PTR-TOFMS, and 2DGC-TOFMS), OH and sulfuric acid (CIMS), and size resolved particles (particle magnifier, SMPS). In addition to surface measurements, a Stonybrook light aircraft was flown with a Whole Air Sampling Profiler (WASP) collecting samples that were analyzed on the PTR-TOFMS providing high resolution vertical profiles of isoprene and isoprene oxidation products, as shown in the Figure. These data will be used to interpret the surface layer measurements that are expected to improve our understanding of isoprene oxidation, HOx recycling and new particle formation.