KORUS-AQ: An International Cooperative Air Quality Field Study in Korea

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Osan Air Base, South Korea

Apr 29, 2016 - Jun 14, 2016
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KORUS-AQ: An International Cooperative Air Quality Field Study in Korea was a ground-based and airborne field campaign developed jointly by air quality researchers in the US (NASA, NCAR and universities) and Korea (national institutes and universities). The NASA DC-8 and B-200 aircraft, along with the Hanseo University/NIER King Air, flew over Korea May 1-June 12, 2016 to study the factors controlling air quality in Korea. These factors include the characterization of emissions from power plants, Seoul and smaller urban areas, forest vegetation and biomass burning in Korea, the chemical evolution of the Seoul plume mixing over biogenic emissions of downwind forests, and the impact of continental outflow (such as wildfires in Siberia, agricultural burning, anthropogenic emissions of precursors of ozone and aerosols). Measurements will be made at numerous ground sites, including routine monitoring sites and supersites established for KORUS. Research vessels will also be sailing around Korea during the campaign.

Several groups from ACOM participated in the NASA KORUS-AQ aircraft campaign:

  • ARIM - Sam Hall, Kirk Ullmann
  • NOxO3 - Andy Weinheimer, Deedee Montzka
  • PTR-MS - Lisa Kaser is assisting the Univ. Innsbruck PTR-ToF-MS team on the DC-8
  • Chemical Forecasts - ACRESP: Louisa Emmons, Jerome Barre, Rebecca Buchholz, Benjamin Gaubert, Arthur Mizzi, Gabi Pfister, Pablo Saide, Christine Wiedinmyer, Helen Worden, David Edwards, Ukkyo Jeong (visitor from Yonsei University), Christoph Knote (LMU-Munich), Cathy Clerbaux (CNRS/LATMOS)
  • Web support - Carl Drews


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