California Airborne BVOC Emission Research in Natural Ecosystem Transects

The CABERNET field campaign was conducted in June, 2011 in California. The objectives were to develop and evaluate new approaches for regional scale measurements of biogenic VOC emissions, quantify the response of biogenic VOC emissions to landcover change, investigate the vertical transport of isoprene and oxidation products, and evaluate biogenic emission models. The campaign was led by NESL/ACD and involved collaborators from UC Berkeley and CIRPAS. NESL/ACD scientists deployed a fast response in situ VOC analyzer, a VOC cartridge sampler and an ozone analyzer on the CIRPAS twin otter aircraft and were heavily involved in organizing flight plans and data archiving. In addition, NESL/ACD scientists deployed and operated a relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) system at a UC Berkeley flux tower site in an oak savanna.