Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality

South Korea, Philippines, others TBD
ASIA-AQ is an opportunity for international collaboration, working with local partners to apply multi-perspective observations in a consistent strategy across interested Asian countries to improve both specific understanding of local air quality issues and general understanding of common challenges in the interpretation of satellite observations and modeling of air quality.
PURPOSE: Improve understanding of the factors controlling local air quality across Asia through multi-perspective observations and modeling.
APPROACH: Conduct airborne sampling across three to five locations in collaboration with local scientists, air quality agencies, and other relevant government partners. The ACOM instrument teams will be measuring VOCs (TOGA), NO, NO2 and ozone (Chemiluminescence) and Actinic Flux (CAFS). The ACOM modeling group will be producing chemical forecasts using MUSICA, WRF with tracers and WRF-Chem to support flight planning and analysis of the observations.
PHILOSOPHY: Openly share data during all phases, conduct joint analysis with local scientists and air quality agencies, and report findings to local governments.