Rafael Fernandez

National Research Council

Rafael Fernandez is a Junior Scientist from the National Research Council (CONICET, Argentina). During his postdoc at the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate group (AC2-CSIC, Spain) he worked on the implementation of Very Short-Lived (VSL) Halogens in CAM-Chem. In particular he improved the implementation of heterogeneous recycling processes and washout rates of inorganic bromine and iodine species in the Troposphere. During his visit to the Atmospheric Chemistry Observation & Modeling (ACOM) division, he will join the NCAR team working on the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI), and evaluate the climatic impact of VSL bromocarbons in the  troposphere and stratosphere. In particular, Dr. Fernandez will focus on quantifying the ozone depletion enhancement of VSL bromocarbons, and their overall impact on the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere.

ACOM Dates